What are you feeding your mind?

‘You’re having maggi? I thought you said you were gonna focus on having a healthy diet from now on?’ 

‘It’s okay… I’m having maggi oats noodles.’ 

Just a casual exchange I heard between two friends which made me think, what are we feeding our minds? We all are a little health conscious these days. Thinking twice before biting into that delicious looking burger and trying our best not to skip our work out for the day. Consuming healthy foods is essential for our body. In the same way, consuming healthy content is essential for our mind. It’s high time we step back and take a look at what apps we are using the most, what kind of videos we are watching and what kind of people and pages we are following on social media.   

Whether you fall under the category of chai and newspaper or coffee and Instagram, the effect of what content we read remains the same. We read all kinds of terrible and tragic news and feel sorry for the state of the world. We look at a picture of a cake online and start craving for it easily, we look at videos of happy couples and start feeling the need to have a relationship. My point is, our mind is very easily influenced by what we see in the newspaper, on news channels and online. Scrolling through memes makes us laugh for sure but imagine if we scroll a little through some positive and motivational posts… 

The fact that words have a huge impact on our minds is not unknown. Think about it in this simple way, if negative words can ruin your mindset to such an extent then the power of positive words is impeccable. 

Let me prove this with a simple experiment. 

Answer me honestly, how did that make you feel? Sad? A little depressed? I certainly felt a tinge of negativity.  

If you read anything that makes you sad for even a few seconds, trust me that tinge of sadness, without a doubt, has some effect on your mind. 

Have you ever noticed when you or someone around you is constantly complaining you may start feeling low and just like that, all your energy is sucked out of you. Negativity, be it within us or around us, affects us to the same extent. This has to change. 

Sorry if you felt bad for even a millisecond, here’s some positivity for you!

Now answer me again, how did this make you feel? Brilliant? Worthy? I hope it brought a smile to your face because that was my goal! 

Take a look at the pages that you follow across all social media platforms. How does their content make you feel? Do you laugh? Are you inspired? If not, the option for unfollowing is very much open for use. 

There is a huge population of influencers on social media these days. Till date I have no idea how people are really “influenced” by them and if they are I pray to God it is in a positive way. If you are one of those who look up to them, let me tell you a secret, they aren’t perfect, you aren’t perfect. Nobody is perfect. Influencers are humans too. They also resort to editing their pictures as much as possible. Their skin is not spotless and their bodies are not perfect either. They may seem like enjoying their vacation to the fullest but let me spill the tea, they also have bad days. Because again, they are humans and not characters of a fictional movie.  

Sadly, the perfection that they portray in every area of their lives makes you and me feel like our lives are shit. There is a reason why they are paid for all of this, because we choose to follow them and view their content and for us it’s just a double tap but for them it’s more like a trap. Please appreciate my word play. 

If you look at them and feel inspired to get fitter, richer or happier then please continue to look at them. If not, you know what to do. 

I feel there is need for change in the social media community which we all are inevitably a part of. I want to hold a loudspeaker in my hand and ask everyone at once, why are we not following more artists? Whether it’s writing or sketching or dancing or singing, there is enough talent in the pool of social media. As a writer I can assure you that when you read something that I have written after giving my time and energy to it, you can connect to me. Yes, through a screen. When you give your precious time and energy to view my work, you honor it more than you realize. 

Keep social media and its shenanigans aside for a minute, what kind of people are you spending your time with? What conversations do you consciously involve yourselves in? Does that particular person not respect your boundaries and drains your energy too much? Did someone come to mind? I suggest you keep your distance.  

Surround yourselves with people who radiate light, are good listeners, fulfill their commitments and inspire you to become better versions of yourselves. Highly recommended life hack. Won’t disappoint. 

Unfollow one person who just lip sync’s to songs and follow an artist today. If you are a religious person, follow more pages that remind you of the principles of your religion. If you are a spiritual person, follow motivational speakers and pages that spread spiritual knowledge. Need a recommendation? I got you. 

My writing page on Instagram

Published by Srishti Sharma

Writer, Spiritual, Foodie. Lost in a world not visible to human eyes...

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