The Attitude of Gratitude!

“THANK YOU!” These two words mean much more than it seems.

Gratitude is a very strong magnetic energy. You always get back more than what you give out. Incorporating more of it in your life is a MAJOR recommendation.

Let me share with you my personal experience with the gratitude energies.

I used to be sad for no reason. I was working on a project and the office environment was fabulous (we literally got sweet treats every weekend), love life was going well, stronger connections were building with my friends, I was being paid well, blah blah you get the idea.

I thought to myself, life is strangely good right now… what do I need to be sad for? One day the Universe shouted out, “Bitch you’re lacking gratitude!” And I was like woah okay.

I came across this exercise that I tried out. And I need you to try it out as well.

At the end of each day, list down three good things that happened to you. It could be as small as having a good cup of coffee or as big as winning the lottery. Just list down three.

Now some days you may come to realise that it was a bad day and there isn’t much good to list down. Untrue. There always is something good. You just gotta be more aware of it.

Slowly and steadily, the number of good things in my day started increasing. Some days I listed down 5 or even 10 good things! So it’s safe to say that this works like magic.

Gratitude is really like a magnet. The more things you are grateful for in life, the more things life gives you to be grateful for! Such a beautiful fact.

Now, it is also important to begin your day with gratitude. The first words that leave my mouth when I wake up are – Thank you God for another beautiful day.

Here are few easy ways to make your attitude one of gratitude:-

1. Create a gratitude journal. Every day, list down at least three good things that happened during the day. Or simply note down one major thing in your life that you are grateful for such as family, friends, cheesecake, tiramisu… you get my point.

2. With every step you take, say the words Thank and You. This will help rewire your subconscious and it will repeat those magical words without you having to remember to do it.

3. Even if something bad happens to you, say the words Thank You. Two reasons, it gives an instant positive energy and once your head is clear you can easily see the good in whatever happened.

4. Start showing gratitude for the smallest things in life and really feel it from your heart. For example, when you buy coffee think of it as this – someone in some corner of the world help make those coffee beans, someone packaged them for you, someone used them and put in their efforts to make this coffee for you. So much of effort. Recognise it, always.

5. Make someone’s day. And when they say Thank You, the power of gratitude increases.

We often forget our blessings. But our blessings never seem to forget us. Why not give them the appreciation that they deserve?

THANK YOU for making the time to read my words. Much love! 💗

Published by Srishti Sharma

Writer, Spiritual, Foodie. Lost in a world not visible to human eyes...

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