A podcast with myself

Often times I don’t feel heard. Specially in a group setting. When people around me ignore me, unknowingly even, or just don’t let me speak, it sets me off.

There is a constant need to feel heard. And the most important person who needs to really hear you, is you.

The voices in your head are often not kind enough. But the way you speak to yourself or think about yourself is most important. It changes everything.

If you notice, how you speak to yourself is often mirrored by how you speak to others. And everything in another person that bothers you greatly, most often leads to something inside of you that you tend to dislike. My point being that there is a lot of mirroring happening on a daily basis which we almost never realise.

That is why it is extremely important to be kind to yourself first. Kindness creates a very calm and contagious good energy. Every transformation on the outside begins on the inside.

So what I do sometimes is I have a podcast with myself.

No mics, no one around, no judgement, just me and my thoughts. My body language shows that I’m speaking in front of a lot of people maybe, but the truth is I’m the only person listening to me.

The questions in my head are answered by the thoughts in my head. Quite easy.

The best part about this activity is that all the attention is on me and I can easily understand the underlying meaning of anything I say.

Many a times I find answers to questions or solutions for problems just by this habit.

Having your preferred drink on the side table makes it more real, just saying. *wink*

Also, it’s an amazing way to get to know yourself better. You should never lose touch with yourself because that is the end of the world.

Slowly and steadily, I started understanding myself better. I started to actually know what my thoughts are on certain subjects. I started to feel confident and a lot more clear.

I kept realising how okay I was with certain things that I never knew before or never thought about in depth. Having so much clarity in life feels absolutely liberating.

I felt heard. And I no longer feel bad while sitting quietly in a group setting.

And I can affirm that by listening to yourself and trying to understand your thoughts with an unbiased attitude releases you from unnecessary confusion and worries.

This practice gets you communicating with yourself more often and we all know how necessary that is in today’s time.

So the next time your thoughts keep telling you something…

Published by Srishti Sharma

Writer, Spiritual, Foodie. Lost in a world not visible to human eyes...

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