Memories – A path to what is meant to be ✨

I found an old letter today, handwritten, given to me by one of my closest friends during school time. In it, she has poured her heart out and penned down all the things that occupied her mind, related to our (then) rocky friendship. And she has been completely transparent about it, I must say.

She talked about how close we used to be and that she didn’t remember the reason why we drifted apart and chose to move on with our lives. She blamed herself for it. Why? I never understood then and I never understand now. Life is a mystery after all!

Ironic, because our mutual love for mysterious things is what brought us together in the first place. And so, it was only right for the biggest mystery in existence, life, to bring us back together.

I remember reading such letters from her. I didn’t feel what she felt, the distance. I just accepted it as a part of life. Making new friends, going with the flow. But the words from her heart hit in all the right places. But I’ve never been an emotional person. At least I wasn’t at that time. So I chose to remain confused about the situation and went on with my life.

It’s quite strange. I wasn’t that aware when we drifted apart but she was. And when life brought us back together and burned all the bridges of distance between us, I feel like I was more aware of it. I clearly remember one time we met in her building after a long time, spoke about our lives and connected really well.

Mysterious life. We both don’t remember how we became such good friends or how we drifted apart or even how and when we ignited our friendship again. We just have the memories of our friendship. Maybe that’s how it all is supposed to be. Trust the process and life happens on its own sometimes.

I could see how much she had grown in life. It was as if the distance was never there. When I came home that day, I was in a higher energy and one simple thought kept running in my mind – ‘I need to be around people exactly like her.’

From that day onwards, we have been the absolute best of friends and we stay nearby (Thank the lord) so we meet every other day.

When you both like your coffee the same way.

I believe we must look at memories in two ways only. One, as what happened in the past and will never happen again. Two, as what happened in the past, what we learned from it and how much it affects us on a daily basis. If the answer to the second thought is longer, it’s probably leading you to where you need to be.

I have seen how much we both have grown in life. Massive. I’ve learnt to forgive her if she ever wronged me. I’ve learnt to forgive myself for trying to find new friends or trying to fit in with a group I thought I would belong with.

But look at us today. I never even speak to those people and cannot imagine my life without this one friend of mine. So life definitely brings you back together if you are meant to be!

That’s the thing about emotion and what’s real. You happily choose to blame the self for what happened or what didn’t end up happening. That’s how you know it is real… you learn to accept your own part in the process.

Published by Srishti Sharma

Writer, Spiritual, Foodie. Lost in a world not visible to human eyes...

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