What it feels like to be in the middle of a Spiritual Awakening

First of all, it is a huge privilege to be aware of the exact time you are in the middle of a spiritual awakening. I am not sure if I will be able to put it into words for you to understand, but I will try my best.

When, before doing every little thing in life, you get little intuition nudges. When you keep seeing repeated numbers way more than before. When you subconsciously stop and look at the signs, becoming completely aware of them. When you feel that amazing positive energy in your heart even in the middle of a toxic situation or environment. That my friend, are few subtle signs that a spiritual awakening is closer than you think.

Google says that a spiritual awakening is when you can have a new sense of belonging in this world. But it feels more like you realise how less you belong to this world.

You feel things more, just stepping in the flow one day. In one second your life changes. Every moment you become who you’re meant to be.

Goosebumps when you hear God’s name. Reading a random word in a book and realising a huge life lesson you missed. Clarity.

No matter which God or religion you believe in, you are, at the end of the day, connecting to just one God up there. And you put all your trust in Him. You put all your love in His thoughts. That is real love.

Each day I strive harder than the previous day to connect with Him better. And when I feel successful at connecting, it feels like I was never even disconnected in the first place.

You will not understand the feeling completely until and unless you have felt it yourself.

I notice every leaf on a tree moving and I smile at Him because I know He’s doing it. I stop and watch the clouds move and wonder how He came up with such a beautiful world. I keep chanting His name whenever my mind is silent, with every step.

When I look at His face and especially His eyes, in that moment, every pain, every tear, every bad thing that has ever happened to me makes sense somehow and I am instantly at peace.

I found something that I didn’t even know I was looking for!

I pray to God each day that He help me see the good in every person I come across, help me heal through the pain, help me learn my lessons properly, keep guiding my heart and remain there forever. As He should!♥️

A spiritual awakening isn’t finding light at the end of the tunnel. It is realising there is no tunnel.


Just a quick THANK YOU for reading my stuff and connecting! Extending these Good Energies and Divine Love and Blessings to each and every person reading this. I genuinely hope, with all my heart, that we all are successful in our spiritual journeys! 😇

Published by Srishti Sharma

Writer, Spiritual, Foodie. Lost in a world not visible to human eyes...

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