Of moments and maybes…

I’m here to share with you today what I have recently learned. I heard it in a video and it hit me instantly. Just the thought. How beautiful it felt. How much peace it gave me, oh! The goosebumps… I cannot describe.

So, you know how we all do this thing unconsciously, of trying to control the outcome of a situation or even a simple conversation? Yeah that shit hurts. And sometimes that shit hurts baddd.

When we’re living in the past, we’re depressed because most of the time only bad memories and guilt ridden thoughts resurface. When we’re constantly worrying about the future, we feel anxious because we don’t know what will happen next.

Even though we may have learnt to live in the present moment and seize it while we can, we still end up trying to control it. Heck we even try to control how we feel! But these things are not meant to be controlled, life is not meant to be controlled, it is meant to be LIVED!!!

The beautiful idea that gave me peace is that what if the moments we experienced, the ones we try to relive, the ones we try to extend forcefully, what if those moments were magical only because they were those moments? They certainly seem to lose their magic once they’re over. What if we were meant to just live them at that moment while they were spreading their magic?

This includes us trying to feel something again, no matter what that feeling is. And in truth to relive those moments and feel those feelings again, we create resistance towards life. We get so comfortable with those moments and feelings that anything foreign scares us.

And in being scared of things, we might lose opportunities and blessings just because we didn’t let go of the old ones.

What if the connection I felt with that person was for that moment only and came to teach me something? What if it made me a better person? What if it stirred something so deep in me that it is taking time to build inside me and slowly and steadily making me into the best version of myself?

From today onwards, I choose to live in these maybes and what ifs. I choose to let go of all my feelings and see which ones come back to me. I choose to not create any blockages or barriers for my future blessings. I choose what chooses me.


I know I haven’t been active since many months now. And yet all of you chose to stay with me and waited patiently for which I want to thank you with all my heart and soul. I write with a certain flow and I wasn’t in that flow for these months. But seeing the continuous notifications of people liking and subscribing to my blog, I am now dedicated again to share my knowledge and learnings with you because I still have so much to say! Keep supporting, keep giving your love! Sending good vibes, happy thoughts and lots of warm hugs! xoxo

Published by Srishti Sharma

Writer, Spiritual, Foodie. Lost in a world not visible to human eyes...

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