What’s your story?

It’s a well known fact that when you are feeling low or something is bothering you, you must let it out, call a friend and rant it all out. Doing that makes you feel lighter and takes away a small chunk of the said burden.

I have recently noticed that when you share your story with someone or you hear someone’s story, it makes you feel lighter as well. I think it’s like sharing the pain rather than sharing the story.

What I mean to say is that I have realised that sharing what keeps you up at night or just simply blurting out what’s on your mind gives you a different sense of calm.

And although sometimes we may not be in the mood to share or even talk about it with anyone because we feel like we’re burdening the person with our problems, I have realised that we should not care about that fact. Most of the times, we share such stuff with someone who is close to us so naturally the said person is trustworthy and cares about you enough to sit through it all.

After hearing the story of someone for the first time, I felt much more connected to that person. I realised what you show to the world is 90% of the time not the real you. You only show the real you to someone you trust or like or if it’s just simply 3 am!

When you see where someone is coming from, why their mind works the way it does, how they are as confused as you and how they are in some ways, exactly like you… that is when a genuine connection can be built.

And let us all be honest here, howmuchever done we are with relationships or emotionally unavailable for new people, deep down we are always craving a real and genuine connection.

So… what’s your story?

Published by Srishti Sharma

Writer, Spiritual, Foodie. Lost in a world not visible to human eyes...

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