To the person who’s hurting…

Dear you,

I can feel you. In the moment, at 1 in the night, I’m sitting on my couch and contemplating life. I’m thinking about one depressing thing in general, why do we get hurt? Why do we let people hurt us? Why do we hurt ourselves?

If you’re thinking that you’re unlucky in life or love or career wise or whatever the fuck that is eating you up from inside, rotting you slowly and making you feel less than yourself… know that you are not alone. I am here, maybe thousands of millions of miles away from you, with a broken heart as well.

I am at that stage of life where a lot of hard hitting truths are really hitting me. And they are hitting me way harder than I thought.

Sometimes I see it coming but most times I don’t.

Today, what is hurting me specifically is the fact that I have been feeling really unloved since a long long time now. I mean don’t get me wrong, there are people in my life who have unconditional love in their hearts for me, but it’s just one of those days where it is failing to reach me because I have built up an invisible wall somewhere that is stopping it I guess.

They are there for me most of the time but when they aren’t, I’m failing to let the hurt go. I’m failing to become myself again. Negative thoughts are the least of my problems right now.

There is so much pain in my heart that I can literally not speak sometimes. I cannot put it into words for the life of me!

I feel like I’m doing too much for someone again and not getting the same in return. I’m failing to see their genuine love for me that I know is there. I have seen it for sure. But for some strange reason, I am unable to see it clearly today.

I keep telling myself, trying to solve this quandary by assuming that maybe I need to hear it from them, maybe I need to see it with my eyes, maybe I’m just impatient.

Maybe I’m thinking too much, maybe I just need to heal a little more, maybe I just need to wait a little more and one fine day it will all make sense.

Let me embrace it for you just for now, it isn’t making any sense as of now… it isn’t making me feel any better as of now. Let’s live with that.

Let’s live with the fact that life is uncertain and at times it has made us happier than we could ever be. But sometimes, just sometimes the sadness takes over.

Let’s live with a bright hope that when the happiness finally comes along, we be ready to live it. Let’s imagine a beautiful near future of ours where we enjoy every single happy moment or even thought that comes our way, and be hopeful that we will be done with dwelling in the sadness by then.

Sending lots of love and good vibes to you today. And every day. Wish you all the best.


The person who is hurting as well.

Published by Srishti Sharma

Writer, Spiritual, Foodie. Lost in a world not visible to human eyes...

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