Mood: Wanna move to another city and start a new life 👀

Moving to another city is a huge shift in life. Everything changes, including you. But what I’ve figured out so far is, and this is totally my experience, that nothing changes inside you, it’s the real potential in you that reflects out.

I was always like this. When I moved out of the house that didn’t feel like home, the city that I just couldn’t call mine, I ended up bringing the part of me out that so badly wanted to resurface.

I believe I’ve become more open, more letting go and am definitely able to enjoy my life to the fullest now.

I have the freedom to do what I want, but I still don’t let loose and do silly things. I make decisions calmly, based on what I really want out of life. If that isn’t growth, what is?

Living life on your own terms is amazing. Highly recommended. You take the rise and you take the fall. And it’s all worth it.

New faces, new roads, new spots that make you feel at home. Makes me think, was I ever home before?

The truth is, we’re living in a world that is anyway temporary, that’s why we can make any place into our home because our permanent home is far far away for now.

This major shift makes me think, what do we call home? It’s never a place. It’s the person, it’s the memories, it’s the laughs.

And when I look at photos or videos of the old places that I used to call home, it feels a little foreign to me. And that makes me think, when I move away from here to somewhere else, will this place feel foreign to me?

Will we ever feel completely settled in this life? Maybe not. Maybe we’re not supposed to.

Maybe we’re supposed to wander to our heart’s extent, make several homes in different places and hold them close to our souls. Maybe we’re meant to enjoy the place for what it is and not get truly attached to it. Maybe, just maybe, we’re supposed to feel what we feel and then let it go.

I’ve come to realise that I’m not a person who can stick to a routine for long. I like to embrace change. I like to embrace the new and better me that comes with every change. Because if that isn’t growth, then what is?!

Have you ever moved to another city? Let’s have a soulful chat in the comments, what say? 😌

Published by Srishti Sharma

Writer, Spiritual, Foodie. Lost in a world not visible to human eyes...

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