Home is where the heart aches

Where is home? What is home? Is it a place with a roof and amenities that we live in? Is it the people and energy we’re around? Is it a certain cafe, or a road or a person to you?

To me, home is where I am. Home is where I can be vulnerable, where I can explore my thoughts and feelings. Home is also where I can cook my favourite food while dancing and listening to my favourite songs.

Walking down a certain road makes you feel at home. Going to that one cafe and sitting on that one couch makes you feel at home. Home is comfort. And comfort is where you let it all out.

Home is where you can sing out loud. Home is also where the mosquitoes annoy you the most.

Comfort is where you cry out loud because you think you didn’t deserve what happened to you. Because you felt unlucky in life. Because you were missing someone.

Comfort is when you’re sipping a warm cup of coffee while reading your favourite book, when you’re in the metro listening to your playlist and the entire world around you suddenly disappears. It’s when at the end of the day, you are in your comfy pajamas and you come to your window or balcony and just stand and stare at the time going by. That’s home.

Home isn’t a place as much as it is a feeling.

So let’s all embrace this beautiful feeling of being home when we’re alone with our thoughts? Because at the end, home is being in a positive, comfortable and even neutral state of mind and being able to make a beautiful and memorable life out of it.

Home is where it is okay to feel…or not feel okay even. Home is when you realise. Home is living. Home is life.

Published by Srishti Sharma

Writer, Spiritual, Foodie. Lost in a world not visible to human eyes...

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