I must be dreaming!

A simple break down of the manifestation journey, become a conscious creator of your desired reality..!!

We all know this by now. What we think is what we become. Our subconscious mind identifies our thought patterns and the kind of thought patterns we repeat in our head are what create our outer reality.

Go back to the time you started falling in love with someone. You started to notice all the amazing things about them – their looks, their smile, their attributes, etc. You only focused on the good in them. And then you chose to keep focusing on them. You thought about them all the time, no matter what you were doing throughout the day. Basically, you started to train your mind to think about them and you kept repeating “I like them / I love them” in your head all day. And BOOM. You were successfully in love.

And if they felt the same, they went through the same process in their head. You both focused on each other so much that an energy field was created between the two of you. And you manifested in each other’s life.

Now when things went wrong or due to any reasons you’ll decided to split up, you had to again sit and rewire your subconscious mind into thinking that you didn’t like / love them anymore. And you had to do this in order to move on. Again, you changed your reality to one where you weren’t in love with them and they were no longer a part of your life.

You’ve been manifesting your entire life, you just have to do it consciously this time.

Before stepping into your conscious manifestation journey, there are some things you need to be clear about.

First of all, be super clear about what you EXACTLY want. The more clear you are, the easier it will be for you to attract that desired reality. It’s all about the details.

Begin with creating a clear intention. Start with something small, maybe something materialistic. Do not jump into changing major life situations.

Start with something very basic like a new smartphone or a certain amount of money that you need. Let’s take an example of money.

You require XYZ amount of money for something and you cannot afford it at this point. Right there, stop thinking that you cannot afford it. If you have this thought in the back of your mind while manifesting, it’ll be a block and will even cancel out your desires.

Start believing, with all your heart and soul, that you CAN afford it. Be clear on the sum and how you wish to receive it. Get creative, draw a cheque in your name with the said amount.

Now there are many easy techniques to manifest. Try out as many as you want and stick with the one that works for you.

VISUALISATION: Every single day, for months on repeat or till that happens, sit in a quite and undisturbed place, close your eyes and visualize. See the money in your hand, or see yourself depositing the cheque at the bank. See yourself doing the thing you want with that money. Eventually, that image in your mind will keep getting real as the days go by.

WRITTEN AFFIRMATIONS: Take a fresh notebook. Every single day for at least a month or forty days, write one line on repeat. Be as specific as possible. ‘I have received XYZ amount of money through cash or cheque.’ Be as creative as you want, it’s your reality after all! There are many unique ways for written manifestations. 333 or 777 method. Basically just writing the affirmation 33 times at a stretch for 3 days / writing it down 77 times in a day for 7 days straight. The 3-6-9 method is quite popular as well. Writing down the affirmation 3 times – one line gap – 6 times – one line gap – 9 times. These techniques really help in rewiring the brain.

PRACTICE GRATITUDE: This is the most important part. You need to go about your day as if it has already happened. Practice gratitude. Act as if you have already received the amount and now you are simply grateful for it.

The more real you make it in your head and in your surroundings, the faster it will manifest in your reality.

Another important part of this process is to remove any physical or mental blocks that stop you from receiving your desires. The universe is always listening and it needs to hear clear words from you. If you have any minor mental blocks as well, for example you think you don’t really deserve to have that desire or that reality, that will just delay it’s arrival because now the universe is confused about what you want.

What I have observed is, if you combine all the above techniques in your manifestation process, it creates a very strong energy field between you and the universe. I’ve manifested a very big change in my life. I used to visualize it daily while doing the 777 method. Told all my friends to talk to me as if this thing has already happened. Well, they were damn supportive. And even when I did not have any plan of action, I stepped into it with only Faith and pure Belief in my heart that it would happen very soon. And it did.

After doing the process on repeat for 77 days, the image in my mind became so damn real that I constantly started feeling as if it already has happened. I was stepping into my manifested reality.

You can always manifest general things into your life via creating a vision board that you can see in front of yourself daily. But again, be very clear and specific with what you want. Details.

Show some love to this write up. Please comment down below if you want me to write more about manifestations. Thinking to write more specifically about manifesting a certain person / relationship. Let me know if you wanna read about it.

Hope it helps!

Published by Srishti Sharma

Writer, Spiritual, Foodie. Lost in a world not visible to human eyes...

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