Life is Meaningful [Short story] Part 2/2

Gaurav was escorted into the visiting room, his hands cuffed. He sat down on the table with a thud. For a moment, Avin felt like embracing his little brother because he missed him so much but he decided to keep it casual with a handshake. After the usual exchange of pleasantries, Avin got down toContinue reading “Life is Meaningful [Short story] Part 2/2”

Life is Meaningful [Short Story] Part 1/2

I may often come off as tough even to the best of humans. They have been taught since a very young age that food, clothes and shelter are the only essential things in life. That is all they need. But evolution has created space for many more things as a necessity. Yes, I am talkingContinue reading “Life is Meaningful [Short Story] Part 1/2”

Interconnectedness ๐Ÿƒ

Have you ever wondered how everything in this world is interconnected? Let me explain. Imagine a well prepared meal on the table in front of you. Each ingredient was grown separately. Potatoes from somewhere, garlic from another place, tomatoes from God knows how far away from where you currently are. All the ingredients, grown byContinue reading “Interconnectedness ๐Ÿƒ”

Poetry #4 ~ Walking Away.

I walked out of the door The door of your life With hurt in my eyes And love in my heart And you in my mind; And just like that I left it all behind. I walked away from what I didnโ€™t deserve Because I realised I wasnโ€™t here To serve Your insecurities Your trustContinue reading “Poetry #4 ~ Walking Away.”

Would you still be friends with them? ๐Ÿค”

True friendship as the basis of a relationship can work wonders. People are always a little more themselves when theyโ€™re around friends. Imagine how comfortable you would feel around your partner if you had a strong friendship with them. One can get a little reserved sometimes when one is with their partner because most timesContinue reading “Would you still be friends with them? ๐Ÿค””

My love for Indian Weddings!

The zeal, the atmosphere, that enthusiastic family cheer. There are too many things that make an Indian wedding one of a kind. Portrayals of culture, mixing heritage with amusement, practicing surprise dances to feeling like a Bollywood celebrity while performing on stage. These little elements are the ones that go a long long way. CreatingContinue reading “My love for Indian Weddings!”

3 things to never say to someone with mental health issues โŒ

Itโ€™s never nice to put someone, who is already in a struggling position, in an even worse mindset. When someone around you is struggling with mental health issues, you almost never know what to say to them or what to do for them. Well, most times they just need you to listen to them andContinue reading “3 things to never say to someone with mental health issues โŒ”

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