Mood: Wanna move to another city and start a new life ðŸ‘€

Maybe we’re supposed to wander to our heart’s extent, make several homes in different places and hold them close to our souls. Maybe we’re meant to enjoy the place for what it is and not get truly attached to it. Maybe, just maybe, we’re supposed to feel what we feel and then let it go. ​

Of moments and maybes…

What if the connection I felt with that person was for that moment only and came to teach me something? What if it made me a better person? What if it stirred something so deep in me that it is taking time to build inside me and slowly and steadily making me into the best version of myself?

Happily never after

We all have an imaginary life stuck in our heads. It is exactly how we wish for our future to be. Some may be happily married, with kids and a simple lifestyle while some have successfully conquered the corporate ladder and have a luxurious lifestyle. Both choices are equally satisfying. But who knows what weContinue reading “Happily never after”

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