Happily never after

We all have an imaginary life stuck in our heads. It is exactly how we wish for our future to be. Some may be happily married, with kids and a simple lifestyle while some have successfully conquered the corporate ladder and have a luxurious lifestyle. Both choices are equally satisfying. But who knows what weContinue reading “Happily never after”

Poetry #4 ~ It’s not you it’s me, I deserve better.

I felt like a fallen flower Beautiful yet destroyed The whole field looked fresh as it could be Only my body seemed to have died; I felt like the moon Shiny and bright But I still needed the sun To help with me with my light; I felt like a lost child Running around inContinue reading “Poetry #4 ~ It’s not you it’s me, I deserve better.”

Life is Meaningful [Short story] Part 2/2

Gaurav was escorted into the visiting room, his hands cuffed. He sat down on the table with a thud. For a moment, Avin felt like embracing his little brother because he missed him so much but he decided to keep it casual with a handshake. After the usual exchange of pleasantries, Avin got down toContinue reading “Life is Meaningful [Short story] Part 2/2”

Life is Meaningful [Short Story] Part 1/2

I may often come off as tough even to the best of humans. They have been taught since a very young age that food, clothes and shelter are the only essential things in life. That is all they need. But evolution has created space for many more things as a necessity. Yes, I am talkingContinue reading “Life is Meaningful [Short Story] Part 1/2”

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