To the person who’s hurting…

Dear you, I can feel you. In the moment, at 1 in the night, I’m sitting on my couch and contemplating life. I’m thinking about one depressing thing in general, why do we get hurt? Why do we let people hurt us? Why do we hurt ourselves? If you’re thinking that you’re unlucky in lifeContinue reading “To the person who’s hurting…”

Happily never after

We all have an imaginary life stuck in our heads. It is exactly how we wish for our future to be. Some may be happily married, with kids and a simple lifestyle while some have successfully conquered the corporate ladder and have a luxurious lifestyle. Both choices are equally satisfying. But who knows what weContinue reading “Happily never after”

Poetry #4 ~ It’s not you it’s me, I deserve better.

I felt like a fallen flower Beautiful yet destroyed The whole field looked fresh as it could be Only my body seemed to have died; I felt like the moon Shiny and bright But I still needed the sun To help with me with my light; I felt like a lost child Running around inContinue reading “Poetry #4 ~ It’s not you it’s me, I deserve better.”

Poetry #4 ~ Walking Away.

I walked out of the door The door of your life With hurt in my eyes And love in my heart And you in my mind; And just like that I left it all behind. I walked away from what I didn’t deserve Because I realised I wasn’t here To serve Your insecurities Your trustContinue reading “Poetry #4 ~ Walking Away.”

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