To the person who’s hurting…

Dear you, I can feel you. In the moment, at 1 in the night, I’m sitting on my couch and contemplating life. I’m thinking about one depressing thing in general, why do we get hurt? Why do we let people hurt us? Why do we hurt ourselves? If you’re thinking that you’re unlucky in lifeContinue reading “To the person who’s hurting…”

What it feels like to be in the middle of a Spiritual Awakening

A spiritual awakening isn’t finding light at the end of the tunnel. It is realising there is no tunnel.

Interconnectedness 🍃

Have you ever wondered how everything in this world is interconnected? Let me explain. Imagine a well prepared meal on the table in front of you. Each ingredient was grown separately. Potatoes from somewhere, garlic from another place, tomatoes from God knows how far away from where you currently are. All the ingredients, grown byContinue reading “Interconnectedness 🍃”

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