Home is where the heart aches

Where is home? What is home? Is it a place with a roof and amenities that we live in? Is it the people and energy we’re around? Is it a certain cafe, or a road or a person to you? To me, home is where I am. Home is where I can be vulnerable, whereContinue reading “Home is where the heart aches”

Mood: Wanna move to another city and start a new life 👀

Maybe we’re supposed to wander to our heart’s extent, make several homes in different places and hold them close to our souls. Maybe we’re meant to enjoy the place for what it is and not get truly attached to it. Maybe, just maybe, we’re supposed to feel what we feel and then let it go. ​

What’s your story?

It’s a well known fact that when you are feeling low or something is bothering you, you must let it out, call a friend and rant it all out. Doing that makes you feel lighter and takes away a small chunk of the said burden. I have recently noticed that when you share your storyContinue reading “What’s your story?”

Of moments and maybes…

What if the connection I felt with that person was for that moment only and came to teach me something? What if it made me a better person? What if it stirred something so deep in me that it is taking time to build inside me and slowly and steadily making me into the best version of myself?

What it feels like to be in the middle of a Spiritual Awakening

A spiritual awakening isn’t finding light at the end of the tunnel. It is realising there is no tunnel.

Interconnectedness 🍃

Have you ever wondered how everything in this world is interconnected? Let me explain. Imagine a well prepared meal on the table in front of you. Each ingredient was grown separately. Potatoes from somewhere, garlic from another place, tomatoes from God knows how far away from where you currently are. All the ingredients, grown byContinue reading “Interconnectedness 🍃”

Angel numbers simplified ~ 0 to 9 ✨

Almost every person I know sees repeated numbers on a daily basis. 50% of them tend to not know the meaning behind all of it. Those who do have an understanding of these messages live a better life in the sense that they take the guidance offered to them and life gets much better andContinue reading “Angel numbers simplified ~ 0 to 9 ✨”

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